Wednesday, September 3, 2014

My Boyfriend Dumped Me for Another Woman Because of Money

Posted By: Official Admin - 12:25 PM


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When a lady meets a man who is ready to calm down and marry her, she should be happy. Some guys are not that cool ahead and they take actions based on flimsy excuses. Read this girl's touching story:

My ex-boyfriend and I had a conversation recently about the reason he dumped me four years ago to marry another girl he'd started dating about two years after we started dating. My ex and I started dating in 2008, but by early 2010 he met another woman who he married nine months later. He broke up with me just four months before the wedding. 
I was so hurt and devastated that for three years I would not give another man a chance. I didn't have closure because I was tormented by why he chose another woman over me. Eventually we had the conversation yesterday after we met at a mutual friend's wedding on Saturday. What he told me was shocking. He said he loved me more but decided to marry the other lady because she earned more than I did. I was earning N85k at the time while the lady was earning N250k. He figured an extra N165k was enough reason to marry her. 
How is this even a reason to marry? Are some men this small minded? Is this a genuine reason or he just said it to throw me off? I wanted closure but this has made me more confused.
Dear ladies, love can be stressful and confusing, just stay positive.

About Official Admin

Techism is an online Publication that complies Bizarre, Odd, Strange, Out of box facts about the stuff going around in the world which you may find hard to believe and understand. The Main Purpose of this site is to bring reality with a taste of entertainment


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