Monday, September 8, 2014

TB Joshua Speaks on Pope Francis: Please Pray for the Pope

Posted By: Official Admin - 10:21 AM


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Prophet T.B. Joshua gave another surprising revelation in his church service on Sunday 7th August 2014, specifically calling for prayers for Pope Francis of the Catholic Church, as well as prophesying an imminent hijacking of a plane by ‘militants’.

“There is a very big religious leader,” Joshua began, describing the said person as a ‘father’ figure, widely respected across different religions.

“I have been praying for him,” he continued, adding that he received an alarming ‘vision’ concerning him the prior day. They should pray for him,” Joshua proceeded.

“The clergyman I am talking about is the Pope,” he then clarified.

Continuing, Joshua prophetically warned of a plane being hijacked by ‘militant’ forces in a dramatic scene that would result in ‘breaking news’ worldwide.

“They will attempt to enter a plane,” the cleric declared. “You will hear ‘Breaking News’ of a hijacker inside the plane that carried the plane from its original direction to another direction.”

“We should pray so that it will not just end like that and we learn that there’s a crash,” he said, seemingly referring to the infamous Al Quaeda attack against America on September 11th 2001 where four commercial planes were hijacked by the terrorists.

“This is another big attempt they want to do,” Joshua warned, soliciting heightened security checks in airports worldwide to avert the impending disaster.

Last week, T.B. Joshua gave a widely reported prophecy concerning ‘approaching’ world events.

He said he had a vision of US President Barack Obama being rushed to hospital with a health challenge, a plane crash in the region around Russia and Ukraine and a political crisis in Nigeria sparked by the murder of a ‘bigshot’.

Joshua reminded those in church of the prophecy, adding that the killing of al-Shabab’s spiritual leader Ahmed Abdi Godane by US forces in an airstrike on Monday showed ‘God’ was involved.

Joshua had specifically called for prayer for Kenya related to a ‘militant’ plan in place to attack a presidential figure in Southern Africa.

by Ihechukwu Njoku 
freelance Nigerian journalist

About Official Admin

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