Reports indicated that the young man, who was in love with a fellow NYSC member, Chioma Okewuru, went berserk when the girl came back from her village over the weekend with a ring from a man she had promised to marry.
Below is what Mr. Noah Ntuen, Divisional Police Officer for Obubra told Vanguard on phone:
“The girl had told the guy that she would not marry him, but that they could be friends. So when she came back from home last weekend and showed him the ring her husband-to-be gave her, the young man became furious.
“On Wednesday, the situation became worse and at about 7pm, he locked himself in the room and took some poisonous substances.”
A source in the school told Vanguard: “They met at the NYSC Orientation Camp at Abrekpe-Ebokpo and as luck would have it, they were both posted to the same school where they had a relationship going.
“He had the hope the whole thing would end in marriage, but Chioma already had another person she wants to marry.”
Guys, don't allow love push you to the crazy level.
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