Saturday, March 28, 2015

I Got A Revelation That Jonathan Will Be Re-Elected; Dr Thomas Manton IV

Posted By: Unknown - 7:36 AM


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Dr Thomas Manton IV’s Prophecy For Nigeria, For Presidential Election 2015
The Lord spoke to me, and said to me that it is His will, for Mr. Goodluck Jonathan to be re-elected as the President of Nigeria!

I want to say it just like that. God said to me that it is His will that he be re-elected. And I’ll now tell you ‘why He told me this.

The Lord said to me:

“I want Christianity in your Palaces, and I want it in your State Houses! I want Christianity to be most prevalent now amongst the governors, senators, ministers and ministries. I want Christianity to be at the fore-front in your business-worlds. If you give all of these over to another religion, then you are not just dealing with the man anymore, but now the spirit of the other thing! If you give ‘place’ to the spirit that’s ‘resident’ in the person, because of their philosophies, doctrines and religions; then you are then in-fact, escalating the ‘residency’ of those other forces and entities to then spread over the entire nation. And you must know now that I do not want this, says the Lord!”

People often complain about things in Nigeria, like people often do in so many other countries too. People can say: “Well, you know things have been hard, and some things were not done correctly.”
But do you know what? God is going to give the President, and the people, a chance to reckon things out now, and still yet fix things.

The Holy Spirit will now come in and institute many great new things in Nigeria! God told me some time back, for Nigeria, that He is going to infiltrate people’s minds and hearts now very much more, with ‘The Big Picture’ for Nigeria! And it certainly needs to happen now! For when sin and corruption is lifted up over a nation, it is a reproach for all the people in one way or another. Sinning means ‘missing the mark’. But Jesus Christ is Lord in Nigeria, regardless!

I prophesied regarding the current-state of violence going on in Nigeria. God had me speak about the horrific terrorism that has been going on in Nigeria. The Lord had me make a TV Programme a few weeks back, saying that: “He will crush Boko Haram!” And then, to our amazement, within days and hours; things begin to rise up and turn in a new-ways against the terrorists!  God had me declare that He would even raise up multi-national forces, and also the Nigerian Military against Boko Haram! You can watch this Video now on YouTube!  The Video I made regarding this, entitled: “New Prophecies for Nigeria! 2015 has been on ‘live’ for several weeks.

We have seen part of this Prophecy’s mighty fulfillment, as multi-national forces and the Nigerian military have risen up against Boko Haram, in unprecedented ways!  I have also heard that the Nigerian government has also sought help from the western-world to come and help in crushing Boko Haram. And there is more about this going on behind-the-scenes than we even know yet.

The Lord said to me that He will scatter Boko Haram, and He will have them to be crushed! The evil violent onslaughts and the killings of thousands of people is going to be halted, in Jesus Chris’s mighty Name!  Shout A Loud Amen!

It was also a major miracle and answer to prayer that the upcoming Presidential Election was postponed for six-weeks. It was God that arranged that. Time was needed to hit Boko Haram harder for the Nigerian people to see that this issue is being worked on now. Gain, I give God all the Glory for this. This was and is, His Doing, and it is surely marvelous before our eyes!  This six-week election postponement was so necessary. It was truly a divine-act; because back around February 14th, things were still a bit too hot and volatile. It was too close on both sides of the fence; but now we see more headway being made toward God’s ultimate plan for Mr. Goodluck Jonathan to continue, with our flag and banner of Christianity over Nigeria flying high!

People will rejoice over this, and people are praying. And I am prophesying what God is speaking to me! I say here again now, God wants Mr. Goodluck Jonathan to be re-elected as the President of Nigeria! And again, He told me why. Mr. Goodluck, if you are watching and reading this message from me from God; May the Lord bless you, and May He now empower you so much more greatly, to do even so much more for Nigeria and its people! And I believe you shall be the one to continue in the work. God will also help you, with more good advice and advisers. Please receive them with wisdom and humility. Do not look back too much to the past, and to the way things were back then.

God’s New Season is here now! So take it on! Open the new doors! Open up for the new season, for it is now here! Turn a ‘new-leaf’ as they say. Open the new fields! Open up the new ways now! And let God select the people that He has ordained to also be working with you in this next season now, to further the cause of Christ and His goodwill for Nigeria and its people!

Nigeria is definitely a very strategic country in the World. The Lord spoke to me so clearly. He said tell the people! He said I want this to happen! He said this is My will! He said I want a Christian man, and a Christian leader to be at the fore-front and at the helm of the Nation! And so be it!

As this Video and typed Prophecy Message gets to Nigeria; I say: “God bless you, people of Nigeria!” You can all go ahead now and lift your voice and shout right now about this!

I am prophesying now right here. I am Thomas Manton IV. And listen here, the Lord spoke to me all of this, and I only say what I hear Him say on matters like this! And I am known around the world, for decades for Prophesying on International events for Him! I spoke of ‘9/11’, and the impeachment-proceedings against President Bill Clinton, and the disgrace of Congressmen. And did you now, that my own father was one of the leading Members of Congress in the U.S. House of Representatives in Washington! God invaded my life, and I ended up leading both my Father and my Grandparents all to the Lord. And they are all in Heaven today! Thank God for His Salvation!

The Lord also had me tell the world back in the mid 1990’s that the Iraq-War would become a fiasco and a disaster, and not short-lived. Sadly, it is still going on even yet today. The Terrorism violence that erupted in Jerusalem, God had me warn of this beforehand. And of Yasser Arafat’s and the PLO’s demise, God spoke of beforetime. The killing of the top twelve leaders of al Qaeda, including Al Zarqawi in Iraq, and Osama bin Laden, etc.; and Saddam Hussein, and his evil-sons all gone now, etc. God had me prophesy of all these important shifts that would take place in the World. The Lord has also used me to Prophesy over dozens of other Nations, for great changes ahead. Glory be all to His Holy Name, forever and ever!

The terrorist-attacks that happened on ‘9/11’ were shown to me by the Holy Spirit in an open Vision, four-and-a-half years before that tragic event on September 11, 2001, in early 1997.  I told many of the vision, even while preaching in New York City in August 1997. Some people listened quietly, and some others looked at me, as if I was perhaps a visitor from another planet! But sure-enough, what I described of explosions that would happen in New York City’s Skyline, with the ensuing losses of thousands of lives, and that the entire world would watch this horrific event on global television news-media;  the buildings did explode, and they fell. It happened, as God told me it would.  Many other Prophecies you can see too, on:

The spiritual-war that is going on in the world now, from Islam, has escalated. This is very serious. The nations of the world and its peoples must now Raise the Standard, and raise the tide up against the forces of darkness, and utterly defeat them!
We need the Holy Ghost and His Presence and Glory, to be resident and manifested in, in every government office, and in every business office; as well as in every home that He is welcomed into! We all need the Holy Ghost to be able to move on, anybody that He wants to move upon! Amen!  And I pray it’s also you!  Shout!

The Lord further said to me, that Nigeria will become so strong. He also said to me that Kenya will become so strong. And so be it too, for so many other Nations now, in Jesus Christ’s mighty Name!  Kenya and Nigeria will be strong examples and witnesses of Gods mighty transformation, through our spiritual-inputs and oversights. Again, to Him be all the Glory!

The Holy Spirit is going to influence and guide and direct people in government and in business so very strongly in the days ahead! It will be so phenomenally immense that it will astound multiplied millions of people!

God will cause the Leaderships to do certain things that He wants to see done now. The Lord said to me that He is now infiltrating the governments and business communities and societies with His wisdom and His will and His direction! He will do that so very strongly now, in the Nation of Nigeria, and in several other African Countries! And I believe too, that even people that do not yet know Christ will bend to His will in the coming days! And again, in conclusion, He does not want the People of Nigeria to put another religion at the fore-front of the Nation. This would, in fact, be a very dangerous thing. We speak and declare by the Mind of God now, that it will not happen, in in Jesus Christ’s Marvelous, Mighty, Matchless and Majestic Name!  Shout A Loud Amen Now, If You Believe It!  Hallelujah!

Stay Tuned for yet *more:  “Dr.Thomas Manton IV’s New Prophecies for the Nation of Nigeria 2015!” coming to you, in Print, *soon!


About Unknown

Techism is an online Publication that complies Bizarre, Odd, Strange, Out of box facts about the stuff going around in the world which you may find hard to believe and understand. The Main Purpose of this site is to bring reality with a taste of entertainment


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