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Element #(1): An Intense Level Of Attraction
Call it "chemistry." Call it a spark. Call it whatever you like, but if a man doesn't "feel it" for you when it comes to this magic something of chemistry and attraction, then NOTHING ELSE you say or do will matter. And I mean NOTHING ELSE matters.
You can try and say all the right things.
You can think about him all the time.
And you can do amazing things for him that no other woman could ever know to do for him in his life…
But if that gut-level ATTRACTION isn't there that tells him deep down inside that he HAS to be with you tonight and every other night…
A man MUST feel a level of attraction for you that goes DEEPER than the "physical attraction" that quickly comes and goes, but can seem so "real.". then there isn't much you can do to change his mind or make him feel differently and really and truly want you.
(2) Mistakes That Keep Him From Getting Attached
Unfortunately, lots of women make 2 mistakes when it comes to attraction with men that keep them from ever being able to get past those critical early dating stages where a man will become more emotionally attached and involved with a woman.
These 2 mistakes are:
Trying to get a man's interest and attention by using the fast, fun, and easy approach to create physical attraction inside a man (which never does last)
Not knowing how that deeper level of what I call "Emotional Attraction" works inside a man's mind that will make him want to emotionally open up and engage with you
These mistakes are the two most common and certain ways to make sure your love life will go nowhere fast with men, even when you have the best of intentions and just want to find a great guy to love and love you back.
There's A Simple Truth You Need To Know…
If you don't know how attraction works for a man, and how it works differently than how it works for most women, then you're going to end up running in circles trying to do what you think will work.
And in your attempts at getting a man to like you and want to be with you, you're going to end up pushing him away since he'll see you as desperate, needy, clingy, or just plain overly emotional.
The worst part is, there are a lot of really great, smart women who actually know on a conscious level about these mistakes… but they just can't help but make these same mistakes over and over anyway.
Yet some women seem to have a more natural knack for talking to men, getting their interest, and having men see them as "cool" and desirable. They have a way of being able to AVOID these mistakes and are NEVER seen as desperate, too needy, or generally UNATTRACTIVE when it comes to how they act and feel on an emotional level around men
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